Mr Tan
joined the Company as Chief Financial Officer (Designate) on 1 September 2016
and took over the role of Chief Financial Officer on 13 October 2016. He was
also appointed as the Acting Chief Executive Officer on 24 January 2018, a
position he had held until 6 October 2021 where he relinquished the position
and joined the Board as an Executive Director. His key responsibilities include
assisting the Board in the Group’s business development activities and capital
management strategy, overall financial reporting, compliance to listing
requirements and management of the finance functions of the Group.
experienced accountant with over 20 years of experience in the financial sector,
Mr Tan started his professional career with PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore and
later moved on to public listed companies. He has held key positions such as Director,
Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary in companies listed on the
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, the London Stock Exchange and
the Australian Securities Exchange and is experienced in financial reporting, corporate
finance, treasury, audit, taxation and company secretarial matters. Mr Tan
graduated from the Nanyang Technological University with a degree in
Accountancy (Honours) and is a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Singapore
Chartered Accountants.